The Musings of Marie

Just another site

1/12 February 1, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — marieaaj @ 10:00 pm

Well, we made it 1/12 of the way.  I will admit it was harder than I thought it would be.  I still crave to sit and be brain-dead.  Okay, to be honest, I crave it quite a bit.  I wasn’t a complete couch potato prior to the fast.  I am being disciplined and have given in.  I hope that very soon I will stop craving the brain deadness and stop wondering what is happening to Temperance Brennan, as if she was a close personal friend.

It was my intention to not watch television while at home.  I planned to watch it while at my mom and dad’s home.  I have decided that I will not do that though.  If it is this hard after one month, I need to abstain until I stop craving it.

I do hope that in the next few weeks life will slow down enough that I can create some super cool photo entries.  Here’s hopen’